Nottingham Trent University

Global Executive MBA

Tuition fee
22800 £ (26460 €)

The Global Executive MBA is a powerful partnership between Nottingham Business School and leading business schools in South Africa and Brazil. By combining our expertise, you will develop a truly global perspective, international connections, and the knowledge to lead in an uncertain and connected world.

The programme is designed with a focus on sustainable and responsible leadership. These principles are embedded throughout all our modules. You will be immersed in contextual leadership projects, explore real-world, strategic challenges, and apply your learning to your workplace.

Whether you want to take on a more senior role or embrace the opportunities and risks of a connected world, the Global Executive MBA is a flagship programme and a transformative learning experience.

Admission requirements

28 / 35 (Min / Avg)
Work experience (years)
3 (Min)
Managerial experience (years)
1 (Min)
